Clinical Pharmacy

Our Clinical Pharmacist is a consultant that works directly with your family physician to optimize your medication therapy. This pharmacist does not dispense medications, but works with your doctor to make sure that you get the most benefit out of your medications, while avoiding side effects. Our clinical pharmacist is also involved in chronic disease management including: diabetes, cardiovascular disease prevention and management, chronic pain, and is here to help you quit smoking.

Our Clinical Pharmacist is available to meet with you by appointment if you have any questions or concerns about your medications and how they work together. Call the clinic to set up a visit or ask your family physician for a referral.

Day of the Appointment

When you meet with the pharmacist, please bring along all of your medications
• Prescription Medications (tablets, capsules, creams, inhalers, etc.)
• Over-the-counter medications
• Vitamins
• Natural Health Products
• Any blister packs or weekly dosettes that you use to organize your medications

The Clinical Pharmacist will discuss recommendations with your doctor. Follow-up appointments will be made if necessary to monitor your progress and to answer any of your questions or concerns.

Better Health Care is Our Mission




723 Rymal Road West Suite 800 Hamilton, Ontario L9B-2W2